
5 Cybersecurity Tips Your Employees Need to Follow

More than ever, cybersecurity has become increasingly crucial for businesses to invest in. Everything from computers to cell phones is a passageway for outside intruders to make their way into your business. Cybersecurity is the way to protect your devices from external threats and viruses. Investing in cybersecurity can give you a sense of security that you were missing. 

Thankfully, you don’t need an extensive cybersecurity background to prevent hackers from breaking into your business. Here are 5 cybersecurity tips that your employees should be following. 


Keep Your Software Updated

You may push off software updates, but it’s important to make sure this is done on all of your business computers and phones. New software updates come with a host of new features that help strengthen your stability and security. Viruses and malware are always changing so it’s important to download the latest software to combat them. 

Updating software is a good way to keep hackers from stealing data and other information from your devices. 


Use Strong Passwords

One of the most common ways hackers are able to infiltrate your computer systems is by guessing the owner’s password. When you create a strong password, it can greatly decrease the chances of someone gaining access. 

The best qualities of a password include:

Another common mistake employees can make is using the same or similar password for every account and device. Make sure your employees are using unique passwords for each account they use. 


Regularly Backup Your Data

If you have ever lost a document or project because you forgot to save it, data works the same way. If you suffer a cyberattack, your hard drive can crash or become damaged, resulting in data loss. It’s important to regularly back up your data so you’ll always have your data in the event of an attack. Digital Tsunami can assist you with data backups so you can always feel safe in the event of an attack. 

You can back up your data in the following ways:


Invest in an Antivirus Software

Viruses can cause serious damage to your hardware and can slow down workday operations. Having antivirus software can help prevent cyberattacks from ever happening. Antivirus software can assist with blocking spam, ads, and other online cyber threats. 

Don’t judge software just by the price. Look for different features such as email scanning, download protection, speed, malware protection, and any other services your business would need. 


Don’t Use Public Wi-Fi

While public Wi-Fi has started to become more secure, you should never connect to a public network on business-issued devices. Hackers can create their own public networks that allow them to infiltrate your device. 

If you do have to connect to a public wifi network, make sure to use a VPN, also known as a virtual private network. VPNs will secure your connection and make sure that hackers can’t access important information.


Need Cybersecurity Help?

Cybersecurity is more important than ever. If your business doesn’t have a cybersecurity plan, Digital Tsunami can help you create a secure cybersecurity plan. Making sure your employees follow these tips can make sure that your business stays safe from cybersecurity threats. Contact us today if you need help securing your network and business from outside hackers. 

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